The city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, near the headquarters of the World Cup in 2014 and 2016 Olympics, is under siege by the Brazilian armed forces along with the team's BOPE.
Teams of Special Operations Battalion (BOPE) are a mega-operation in the area of slums in the Rock, a suburb of Rio in the late morning of Thursday (25). Six Navy armored vehicles and two trucks just left the Marines barracks in Duque de Caxias, in Baixada Fluminense.
The expectation is that officers are traveling alongside the Vila Cruzeiro, where armed bandits are concentrated. The convoy of police vehicles with more than ten BOPE, came to the region earlier today. The mood is tense in the region.
Earlier, four men on two motorcycles tried to use a garbage truck to block the passage Lieutenant Louis Dorneles Street, the entrance to the Grotto, in the Vila Cruzeiro. According to Comlurb, the bandits reportedly ordered the driver to remain in place blocking access to the community. Also according to the company, after giving the order, they left the area and the driver started the truck and fled.
The online editions of several major international journals impact, on Thursday (25), who broke into the police operation in Rio slums
The fifth day of violence in the city is in the story "El Pais, a leading daily in Spain, under the title" River tanks leads to slums for the decisive battle against drug trafficking. " The Spanish newspaper notes that the river is known as the "city beautiful", but stresses that the death toll on account of the clashes grew throughout the day.

The sites of the British Broadcasting Corp. and the Argentine "Clarín" also have images of the arrival of tanks to the favelas of Rio on Friday.
The network of U.S. television CNN in its online edition brings a video showing the chaos of Rio de Janeiro, with cars catching fire.
The network of U.S. television CNN in its online edition brings a video showing the chaos of Rio de Janeiro, with cars catching fire.

The French newspaper "Le Monde" features on its website a photo gallery of clashes between police and traffickers. "Brazil: Police use tanks at the entrance of a Rio slum," the title of the article.
The nine pictures show the action of the screened, burned a bus and armed police.
"On the fifth day of clashes between police and traffickers, who have left 30 dead," it said.
The nine pictures show the action of the screened, burned a bus and armed police.
"On the fifth day of clashes between police and traffickers, who have left 30 dead," it said.